I have recently and unfortunately run into the problems while making a slightly more complicated table with considerably varied vertical lines and horizontal lines using LaTeX. It may be presumptuous of me to comment
on these debatable matters, but I intend to write down in this article how to solve some of them in the service of your society.
I compiled the table as is given below and the source code is also given below.
source code: table0206.tex
\sbox\@tempboxa{{\captionfonts #1: #2}}%
\ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize
{\captionfonts #1: #2\par}
\hbox to\hsize{\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil}%
\mdseries A Slightly More Complicated Example}\medskip
\newcommand{\bhline}[1]{\noalign{\hrule height #1}}
\newcommand{\bvline}[1]{\vrule width #1}
p{65pt}||b{100pt}} \bhline{1.6pt}
$multicolumn\{3\}\{p\{198.2pt\}\}\{\}}}} &
\multirow{3}{100pt}{\rule{0pt}{\hheight} \mbox{\centerline{$
\backslash$multirow}}}\\[11pt] \hhline{=:=:=#~}
{\rule{0pt}{\gheight} \mbox{\centerline{$\backslash
$multirow}}}} & \multicolumn{1}{p{65pt}!{\bvline{1.6pt}}}
{\mbox{\centerline{$\backslash$vrule}}} &
{$\backslash$vrule}}} & \\[11pt] \cline{2-3}
& \mbox{\centerline{$\backslash$vrule}} &
\mbox{\centerline{$\backslash$vrule}} &
\\[11pt] \hhline{=::=::=#=}
$\backslash$hrule}}} & \multicolumn{1}{p{65pt}||}
{\mbox{\centerline{$\backslash$hrule}}} &
$\backslash$hrule}}} & \multicolumn{1}{p{100pt}}
\end{array}$ \\
At first, you could draw the vertical lines with varied thickness when you might use \vrule and you could draw the horizontal lines with varied thickness when you might use \hrule. The command lines are given below.
\newcommand{\bhline}[1]{\noalign{\hrule height #1}}
\newcommand{\bvline}[1]{\vrule width #1}
$\begin{array}{p{20pt}!{\bvline{1pt}}p{20pt}} \bhline{1pt}
01 & 02 \\ \bhline{1pt}
Secondly, you could put the double bottom lines on some cells when you might use \hhline. The command lines are given below.
$\begin{array}{p{20pt}||p{20pt}} \hhline{=#=}
01 & 02 \\ \hhline{=#=}
Thirdly, you could merge some cells in the same row when you might use \multicolumn and you could merge some cells in the same column when you might use \multirow. The command lines are given below.
$\begin{array}{p{20pt}|p{20pt}} \hline
\multicolumn{2}{p{40.4pt}}{text} \\ \hline
\multirow{2}{20pt}{\mbox{text}} &
\multirow{2}{20pt}{\mbox{text}} \\
& \\ \hline
Finally I am happy to assist you in drawing up a slightly
more complicated table with the varied lines using LaTeX.