I experimentally took a rough guess that the solutions in Fedora might apply to this case and I'd like to express my heartfelt appreciation to several useful websites before I go into the main subject.
1. After trial and error I casually went to Jason Rennie's Home Page and found a link to Numeric-24.2.tar.gz, Numerical Python. I am deeply grateful to him and
the URLs are given below.
2. You will need to unzip Numeric-24.2.tar.gz, edit ranf.c, and build Python Numeric. The modification on ranf.c to avoid the error message: "error: conflicting types for 'gettimeofday'" was mentioned by the helpful website given below. The command lines are also given below.
$ gzcat Numeric-24.2.tar.gz | tar xvf -
$ chmod 777 ./Numeric-24.2/Packages/RNG/Src/ranf.c
$ cd Numeric-24.2 && gedit ./Packages/RNG/Src/ranf.c
/* int gettimeofday(struct timeval *, struct timezone *); */
$ python setup.py build
# python setup.py install
# reboot
3. You will subsequently need to go to the URL given below, get screenlets-0.1.2.tar.bz2, unzip the source code, and install it. The URL and the command lines are given below.
$ bzcat screenlets-0.1.2.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -
$ cd screenlets
# make install clean
4. Afterward you will need to go to GNOME-Look.org, get 76969-RssMini.tar.gz, and install the package on Screenlets using GUI. In reviewing my conduct during the work, I unexpectedly had trouble using RSS mini, consequently edited the line 466 or 467 of RSSMiniScreenlet.py, and specifically deleted '( )' in the line. This modification owes a great deal to the useful website given below and I am deeply grateful to them. The URLs and the command lines
are given below.
$ gedit $HOME/.screenlets/RssMini/RssMiniScreenlet.py
class Tooltip ( ):
class Tooltip :
Now you can use RssMini on Screenlets with GUI.
Finally I am happy to assist you to build Python Numeric and install RSS mini which is the Screenlets available from GNOME-Look.org on OpenSolaris build 111.