It took five days with occasional rests to solve the problems approximately and it was never out of my mind if I may be allowed a little exaggeration. I'd like to express my appreciation for the various websites referring to the problems mentioned above.
First I used pkg_add to install Gnome2 and dependencies, deleted gdm from the system, and installed gdm from ports. Besides that, to change the login background screen, I replaced background-default.jpg which was in /usr/X11R6/share/pixmaps/backgrounds/gnome.
Second one of the useful websites referring to installing OpenOffice for FreeBSD is given below.
The command line to install the package after downloading OOo_3.1.1FreeBSD80X86_64_install_ja.tbz is given below.
# pkg_add -f OOo_3.1.1FreeBSD80X86_64_install_ja.tbz
Actually I had tried to build from ports but the size of /usr I adopted was not enough and then switched the way to install from ports to using pkg_add.
Third I built multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-all from ports to play wma and asx files. The command line to build the package is given below.
# make -i install clean
Actually I had built audio/gstreamer-plugins-lame, audio/gstreamer-plugins-mad, and audio/gstreamer-plugins-wavpack from ports but gstreamer-plugins-bad was missing from the indispensable packages to listen to BBC World Service and RFI and then switched the way to build them from picking up them one by one to building multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-all from ports. Consequently, I could listen to the internet radio broadcasting as given above.
Fourth, after building compiz and dependencies from ports, I went to System->Preferences->Startup Applications->Startup Programs, added Startup Programs such as Compiz and Emerald, and edited their commands. The examples are given below.
Name: Compiz
Command: compiz --replace gconf
Name: Emerald
Command: emerald --replace
Plugin List includes core, dbus, decoration, glib, move, place, resize, scale, and switcher.
Fifth I referred to the useful website mentioned below.
I am very much indebted to the website for their useful suggestion. Reverting to the subject, I added the command lines as given below to /boot/loader.conf.
Besides that, I added the command lines as given below
to /etc/rc.conf.
By default, ng_ubt recognized the bluetooth device, ubt0, in Thinkpad SL400 and also another bluetooth device, ubt1,
such as BTMicroEDR2X. Then I made according to the website mentioned above for connecting Bluetooth PAN.
# vi
ifconfig tap0 create mtu 600
btpand -a 00:00:00:00:00:00 -d ubt0 -s NAP -i tap0
#Put the MAC address of our bluetooth device,
#such as a pocket PC or a smart phone,
#into 00:00:00:00:00:00
dhclient tap0
# chmod a+x
After pairing the bluetooth device, I could connect Bluetooth PAN on FreeBSD 8.0 amd64. The command line to connect Bluetooth PAN is given below.
# sh
Finally I will be happy to assist you in solving these various problems on FreeBSD 8.0 amd64.
After a fresh install of 8.0 amd64 with gnome2 and xorg installed, with gnome_enabled="YES" in /etc/rc.conf, I get a gdm greeter screen with no login prompts. The greeter screen shows only a PC icon which is not clickable, and two buttons saying "Restart" and "Shutdown". Those two buttons can be pressed, but there is no effect.
I copied /usr/local/etc/gdm/custom.conf.default to custom.conf .
Could you tell me if you manually configured something about gdm ?
When I commented out hald_enable="YES" in rc.conf and added hald_enable="NO" to it, I confirmed the GDM login prompt was not clickable and one of the matters I concerned includes the details of your environment on FreeBSD 8.0 amd 64.
Now I describe a related part of rc.conf below for reference.
Please get in touch with me if something weighs on your mind.