In the beginning I refered to the web site mentioned below to solve the problem.
I'd like to express my appreciation to the web site mentioned above. It is, however, written in my native language, Japanese so you might need to use something like a translator, such as Google translate but I will
describe the gist of its content and support you in solving the problem.
The problem was that the error message "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device" was shown on the screen and that alsamixer wasn't available on Debian 5.0 when we
started alsamixergui with YMF-744B. This might be because the firmware for YMF-744B wasn't installed and because the DFSG adhered to a strict interpretation of FOSS.
According to the web site mentioned above, we need to go to ALSA project homepage,
and download alsa-firmware-1.0.20. After then we need to install alsa-firmware. The command lines are given below.
# tar jxvf alsa-firmware-1.0.20.tar.bz2
# cd alsa-firmware-1.0.20
# ./configure
# make
# make install
# alsaconf
After configuring ALSA through alsaconf, we could confirm alsamixer was available on Debian 5.0.
Finally, I will be happy to assist you in setting up alsamixer with YMF-744B on Debian 5.0.