In the beginning I referred to and
I'd like to express my appreciation to the web sites mentioned above.
Now I am writing this article intended for users who can set up Bluetooth PAN on Windows though this is the first time that they set up Bluetooth PAN on Fedora 10.
1. You will need to make ifcfg-bnep0.
$ su
# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bnep0
2. You will need to make according to your convenience for connecting Bluetooth PAN.
# vi
modprobe bnep
pand --connect 00:00:00:00:00:00
# Put the MAC address of your bluetooth device,
# such as a pocket PC or a smart phone,
# into 00:00:00:00:00:00.
ifconfig bnep0
ifup bnep0
# chmod a+x
3. You will need to open the Internet Sharing Connection after pairing the bluetooth device, such as a pocket PC or a smart phone, with your Laptop PC. Regarding pairing, see other useful web sites.
4. You will need to go to System -> Administration -> Network, double click on the bnep0, set the bnep0 to start on boot, quit Network Configuration and reboot.
5. Execute
$ su
# ./
When I executed twice, I could connect Bluetooth PAN on Fedora 10.
Finally, I will be happy to assist you in setting up Bluetooth PAN on Fedora 10.